How Do I Schedule An Appointment?
Just click the button below! There is also a contact form on the Contact Page that can be used to reach me or reach out directly via email or text: Email: Hello@EarthyHealingCo.com PH: 801-750-6928
First Visit Expectations
Consent + Health History Forms are to be filled out on the first visit for all clients. The therapist will then ask general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on if there are any conditions needing to be addressed and to determine if massage is appropriate for you. Your massage therapist may perform certain assessments and testing to evaluate your condition and to see if you have any presenting complaints.
It is important to list all health concerns and medications so the therapist can adapt the session to your specific needs without doing any harm. It is also important to list any allergies so the therapist is aware if he/she needs to use a different oil or lotion during the session.
Attendance / Late Policy Expectations:
The bodywork and/or energy work appointment will end at the scheduled time, as there are clients scheduled after your appointment. If the client is 10 minutes late, the appointment will run 10 minutes shorter, however, full payment is still due as the entire session time was set aside for the appointment.
Cancellation / Reschedule
A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required for cancellations and reschedules. If no notice is given and the client No Call No Shows, the full payment will still be due for the appointment time was held. 72 hours notice is required for groups of 3 or more.
Age Requirement
We are not able to accept appointments for children under the age of 18 years unless accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire duration of the appointment. Children under the age of 18 require a parent or adult guardian signed a waiver and accompaniment by a parent or adult guardian.
Bodywork Expectations:
Pre-Session: Freshly Showered, Hydrated, Sober, Open to bodywork. It is recommended to not eat a heavy meal prior to the session, this is to avoid discomfort while laying face down.
Post-Session: Increase water intake, relax & take it easy, expect some soreness to occur. Because we are working with the fascial, more than the muscles, soreness for 1-2 days after is normal. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
During Session: Held in a peaceful setting, the client will lie on a sheeted massage table, dressed down to their comfort level. [You should undress to the level you are comfortable. For a full body massage, most get completely undressed. However, if you will be more comfortable during the session if you leave your underwear on, that's perfectly acceptable. The therapist will work around the clothes you left on as best as he/she can. If removing all your clothes makes you too nervous and unable to relax, then you are not getting the optimal benefit from the session. Your massage therapist should give you privacy to undress and get comfortable on the table. If you prefer to stay fully clothed, then I recommend exploring other types of bodywork that are performed clothed (Thai Massage or Shiatsu for example).
Energy Work Expectations
Pre-Session: Freshly Showered, Hydrated, Sober, Open to energy work.
Post-Session: Increase water intake, relax & take it easy, expect some emotional/mental disturbance to occur (what Brene Brown calls the Vulnerability Hangover).
During Session: Held in a peaceful setting, the client will sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a table, fully clothed. The practitioner places their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the head, limbs, and torso using different hand shapes, for between 2 and 5 minutes. The hands can be placed over 20 different areas of the body. While the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body, the transfer of energy takes place.
Be Open Regarding Your Needs + Expectations
Why is this so important? If you want anything changed: pressure, areas worked, position or if you are too hot or too cold ... speak up!
You will not hurt the therapist's feelings by asking for something that will make you more comfortable. Your therapist wants this to be the best experience for you to relax and enjoy.
Also, what you requested in one session may be different in another. If you had a full body massage last time you had a session, but this time you only want your back/neck/shoulders/arms worked, it's perfectly okay to ask.